Week 33

Baby’s still doing ok. I’ve been so worried but baby seems to be doing well in spite of all the issues.

It was such a huge relief to see my own gynec today. She was just like “man, you keep developing all these rare issues!” (Ok, this sounds weird when I write it but it was actually quite comforting). I kept asking what I was doing wrong but.. all these are things that just happen and no one understands why. At any rate, there’s an end game now.

Induction is (mostly) scheduled for Jul 19. Basically the moment I hit full term, baby’s coming out. Mostly I’m relieved — it seems like baby will be much safer and healthier on his own than in my body with a myriad of issues going on.

Is this my ideal L&D. No. Do I care? Nope. Baby here safe and healthy matters infinitely more than whatever imaginary ideal L&D. Well, and my being ok. The main risk seems to be the usual induction risk – chance of C-section is higher.

In a fit of panic shopping last week, I bought all the basics — diapers, wipes and so on. We don’t have a huge amount of clothes but we were planning to wait till we figure out what we need first anyways.

And I’m trying to figure out what to mentally prepare for. There’s some likelihood of a short NICU stay — with GD, sometimes the baby has trouble with sugars at first. That’s fine — this is one of the best hospitals in the area and I trust their care. Also there’s always the possibility of issues like jaundice. But all these are known things that doctors know how to manage. Also mentally preparing for a possible C-section.

So big things left — we need to decide whether to bank cord blood or not. And if so, with who. I’m inclined to bank, if only to (indirectly) support the scientific research. But this also depends on the cost. Thoughts?

It’s funny (by which I really mean sad) how much you’re aware of negative outcomes post-infertility. I have been meaning to donate my leftover IVF meds. Of course I waited till the first trimester was over so I’d feel more secure. Then with the GD, I was never sure what to expect. Now… now I’m still worried about stillbirth risks. And so we still haven’t donated meds because … well, I want to be prepared for all outcomes still. And I don’t have the same confidence that so many of my friends seemed to have had. And so I will wait another 3 weeks before donating and then.. hopefully I can breathe.

10 thoughts on “Week 33

  1. I think not having a specific L&D plan sounds like a good plan! That way you can’t be disappointed, and you’re focused on the very important end result. It’s getting close now!

    All I’m going to say about cord blood is that my sister decided not to, and now wishes she had.


    1. That’s what I figure — whatever happens now, happens (well, as long as we make it through ok).

      Yeah, my doctor was basically describing it as insurance. I guess the question is, how much are we willing to pay for that.


  2. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble, but glad baby is doing ok.

    Honestly, don’t stress about a c-section. If it happens, it does. All my babies were c-sections, planned ahead of time (due to my past surgical history, it was safest) and I recovered faster than a friend who had a vaginal delivery a few days before me! Whatever gets baby and mom to the other side of the birth alive and healthy.

    Good luck!


    1. I totally agree with whatever gets us through safely is the most important. In some ways it’s helpful for me to know the probabilities of a c-section — I’m much better at handling things if I’m mentally prepared for it than if it comes out of the blue.


  3. As another recipient of the ‘you have lots or rare problems’ speech, I send you hugs. You have been through hell. I hate that the problems have made it hard to find joy in your pregnancy, but it seems like you’ve got a great care team and a great plan. And as one who never got to donate her unused meds, let’s just say that I can not wait for you to be in a place where you can happily donate yours! I’m so happy that you’ll be meeting your son on the outside soon.


  4. Glad baby is okay. Oddly enough, I understand your OB’s humor.

    You have a plan. It is a solid one. I had zero preparation for a C-section and actually found it extremely comforting as I literally just went with what felt right. Given I’ve heard others talk about going in with a plan and then throwing it out the window, go with what feels best for you. And know it’s okay to have it all change.


    1. Yeah, she’s a bit off-kilter but she suits me. Funnily enough when I was asking about the others in the practice (they rotate calls/deliveries) she said that she’s usually the one that patients take getting used to. But with her, I never feel like she’s sugar coating – she gives it straight with some wacky humor.

      I think my plan is really just to be prepared for all outcomes. And to go with the flow of whatever works medically. And trust the doctors.


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